Thursday 30 January 2014

Manchester Met Portfolio - Post 10

I have used collage, ink and stick, ink wash and coloured paste to create these two pieces of experimental drawing. Having previously made a 3D paper sculpture of my initial object, an oil can, this drawing came from looking at the sculpture. 

841 x 594 mm

Manchester Met Portfolio - Post 9

Looking at a candle holder, I used a variety of media to produce these pieces such as collage, tape, ink, wash, pastel and felt tip. I also used a variety of drawing techniques including blind drawing and continuous line drawing to create different effects. I found it beneficial to work on multiple pieces at a time because as I returned to each piece, I found different sections I could alter and improve to make the piece look more like my object.

Top 2 pieces - 594 x 420 mm
Bottom 3 pieces - 420 x 297 mm

Manchester Met Portfolio - Post 8

Life drawing, pencil on cartridge paper
841 x 594 mm 

Manchester Met Portfolio - Post 7

These are a few more examples of sketchbook pages from when I was in the 3D design section of my Foundation course. I particularly enjoyed experimenting and making the smaller samples to see what was successful before making the larger pieces. Having time to experiment with the different materials really made me explore their potential and see the different shapes they could each create.

297 x 210 mm

Manchester Met Portfolio - Post 6

These are a couple of examples of pages from my sketchbooks. I like working in sketchbooks as I find it beneficial having all my work in one place which I can look through. Also, adding notation on what I think has worked successfully or not helps me define my own thoughts and makes it clearer for myself what I like and want to carry on experimenting with. 

297 x 210 mm

Manchester Met Portfolio - Post 5

After creating the previous piece on paper, I printed it onto acetate to allow me to use it for photograms in the darkroom. By blocking sections of light with my hands I created the background pattern. I particularly like the range of shades made by covering different areas of the paper for different lengths of time.

Gelatin Silver Prints
297 x 210 mm

Manchester Met Portfolio - Post 4

Given the brief body parts, I began looking at features from different people. I used photomontage to create the facial features on this piece then photocopied the image with my arm behind to create the other features like hair and the neck.

297 x 210 mm

Manchester Met Portfolio - Post 3

Accidentally winding my camera back before the film had finished resulted in two of my photographs being exposed to the same piece of film. However, I thought the composition was very successful and liked the subtle ghostly effect of the face in the background.

Gelatin Silver Print
297 x 210 mm

Manchester Met Portfolio - Post 2

Whilst on a trip to Berlin, I took and developed these photographs on the train and looking across the train station. Having recently looked at the work of street photographers Vivian Maier and William Klein, I was inspired to take some shots of the world around me as I was travelling through Berlin and document certain moments, capturing the people I saw and their emotions. 

Gelatin Silver Prints
297 x 210 mm

Manchester Met Portfolio - Post 1

Given the project brief of Location, I decided I would take and develop photographs looking in on different locations, through windows and doors. These are two of my most successful images I think because of the simplicity in the composition. The drawn curtains and items neatly placed on the windowsill give an idea of the personality of the room inside.

Gelatin Silver Prints
420 x 297 mm

Saturday 4 January 2014

iPhone Sky Photos

Over the last couple of months, I have been using my phone to capture all the interesting, unusual and beautiful skies and sunsets we have been getting. Here are a few of the photographs, unedited, which I have taken, often from my bedroom window!