Saturday 21 September 2013

Experimenting with wire, canvas, plastic and paper

Based on the theme of connections, I have tried experimenting with various different materials to create different ways of fastening or attaching two separate pieces together.

I found the paper and wire most enjoyable and successful but for different reasons. I enjoyed using the paper as I thought the natural, organic shapes it creates as the paper curves was very beautiful. To hold these shapes together I cut slots into the paper and tucked other parts inside - I found this a very neat and effective way to hold the shapes without the use of glue.

I also produced some successful results with the wire as I managed to find ways to connect and hold the pieces together which were really simple. Because they weren't too complex, it meant the sample looked well-made and professional. The piece pictured is my favourite as it is all made from one piece of wire and I think the loop to hold it together looks effective as a small part of added detail as well as working productively to keep the piece in place.
I found the canvas and plastic bin bags harder to work with and create samples which I thought were successful as the shapes they created weren't so smooth and natural and organic - like the paper and wire - which are the kinds of shapes I like best. However, by combining the canvas and wire together, I did manage to make a couple of pieces which I liked by using the wire to hold the canvas in certain positions. This worked well as it meant I was more able to keep the canvas more natural positions which without the wire, wouldn't have been possible.


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